What is Area Service All About?

Service in Narcotics Anonymous, as a fellowship, is defined by its principles. The 12 Steps detail our program for personal recovery. The 12 Traditions relate experience that helps NA groups maintain their unity and integrity. The 12 Concepts are Guiding Principles for our service structure. The 12 Concepts summarize the hard won experience of our NA fellowship’s first sixty eight years and helps us to understand and deal with such things as responsibility authority, delegation, leadership, accountability, spiritual guidance, participation, communication, open-mindedness willingness, fairness and finances. The 12 Concepts help ensure that our fellowship’s service structure remains forever devoted to service and not government.

The 12 Concepts of NA – PDF Download

What is the Area Service Committee? (ASC)

The main concept of Narcotics Anonymous is one of Service. In the NA program we help each other find and maintain abstinence and recovery. The therapeutic value of one addict helping another is without parallel. One of the many ways of achieving this goal is to provide service at the Area Service Committee level. As the work of the Area Service Committee and many other subcommittees fulfils our primary purpose, the message of recovery in Narcotics Anonymous is carried to the still sick and suffering addicts within the communities of the Recovery Coast Area and beyond. To find out more about the Recovery Coast Area Service Committee, when and where we meet, please visit the link below.

All members of Narcotics Anonymous are welcome to attend.

Recovery Coast Area Service With Links To Minutes, Forms and Policies

What are Area Subcommittees?

The relationship between an ASC and its Subcommittees is similar to the relationship between the NA groups and their Area Service Committee. Just as the NA groups create an ASC to help them fulfill their primary purpose of carrying the message of recovery to the still sick and suffering addict at an NA meeting, so the ASC creates subcommittees to do the actual work involved in delivering this message to the rest of society. Hospitals & Institutions Public Relations & Phonelines, Activities and the other subcommittees are all relied upon to carry this message on a daily basis. To learn more about the Recovery Coast Area Subcommittees, when and where they meet, please visit the link below. 

All members of Narcotics Anonymous are welcome to attend. 

Recovery Coast Subcommittees

Copyright © 1989, 1990, 1991 by Narcotics Anonymous World Services, Inc.
All rights reserved. Published 1991. Approved Edition 1992.